Thursday, August 31, 2006


I started witht the server.cfg from downloads at and add variables as I learn them.

Much of this info concerns TJW's most excellent admin mod for tremulous. I highly recommend it, admins won't need the rcon password!

set sv_hostname "Name in the Server List - Color codes work" // server name in server list

set g_motd "Message in map loading screen. Color codes work" // message at connection screen

// server password

set g_needpass 0 // toggle password needed to join the server
set g_password "" // server password

// reserved slots

set sv_privatepassword "PrivateSlotPassword" // set password test -> at client to use slot
set sv_privateclients 1 // number of private slots, substracted from
// sv_maxclients

// remote control

set rconpassword "test" // set rconpassword test -> at client to log in

// Admin stuff
//See tjw info below
set g_admin ./admin.dat
set g_adminTempBan 300

// main configuration

set sv_maxclients 13 // maximum number of clients
set sv_pure 1 // disallow clients with modified content
set sv_allowdownload 0 // allow downloads from the server
set sv_minrate 5000 // Minumum rate for connected clients
set sv_maxrate 25000 // Maximum rate for connected clients
set sv_minsnaps 10 // Minumum snapshots for connected clients
set sv_minping 0 // Minumum latency for connected clients
set sv_maxping 250 // Maximum latency for connected clients
// prevents connection of clients with higher ping
set g_antilag 1 // serverside antilag feature
set g_initialmaprotation rotation1 // following the first map, start this rotation
set g_mincommandperiod 1000
set pmove_fixed 0
set sv_cheats 0 // Allow cheats on the server, numerous commands and var changes
#set net_ip
set hostname

// gameplay specific configuration

set timelimit 45 // after 60 minutes, the game will end as a draw
set g_suddendeathtime 30 // after 55 minutes, all build points are removed
set g_teamforcebalance 1 // forces each team to have a similar number of players
set g_friendlyfire 1 // teammates may damage each other
set g_friendlybuildablefire 1 // teammates may damage buildings
//set g_friendlyFireAliens 0 //not tested yet, alien specific friendly fire ?
//set g_frienlyFireHumans 0 //not tested yet, Human specific friendly fire ?
set g_humanBuildPoints 100 // Number of buildpoints for human team, default 100
set g_humanMaxStage 2 // Maximum human stage (s1=0, s2=1, s3=2)
set g_humanStage2Threshold 20 // threshold for humans to reach stage 2, default 20
set g_humanStage3Threshold 30 // threshold for humans to reach stage 3, default 40
set g_alienBuildPoints 100 // Number of buildpoints for alien team, default 100
set g_alienMaxStage 2 // Maximum alien stage (s1=0, s2=1, s3=2)
set g_alienStage2Threshold 20 // threshold for aliens to reach stage 2, default 20
set g_alienStage3Threshold 30 // threshold for aliens to reach stage 3, default 40
set g_gravity 800 // gravity setting, default 800
set g_dretchPunt 0

//TJW Specific Configs
//set g_Admin ./admin.dat //file containing admin configs and kick/bans, default is listed
//set g_adminlog //location of admin logfile
//set g_allowvote //Wether to allow voting
//set g_votelimit //limit how many votes are allowed
//set g_AdminParseSay 1/0 //allow/disallow tjw commands in chat window
//set g_AdminNameProtect //Disallow use of admin names
//set g_adminTempBan //Length of tjw !kick command in seconds
//set g_privateMessages //Allow private messages
//set g_admin ./admin.dat //Admin config file
//set g_maxNameChanges 4 /Max name changes, prevents name change spam
//set g_chatTeamPrefix 1 /prefix chat with A, H or S

//start this map first

map niveus

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